Showing off her belly
Here are some updates on Paislee at 3 Months.
* Weighs 13.5 pounds, Dr. Allred said she puts on weight like a champ.
* She has developed a bit of acid reflux so she is taking a little bit of rice cereal to help keep her food down.
* Starting to roll over on her side, and enjoys tummy time for a few minutes but then gets really mad after she is ready to be done.
* Holding her head up really good, and standing up (with help of course) her legs are getting strong.
* Paislee is SO NOSEY, her new nickname is "Nosey Rosey" because she loves to people watch and fights sleep because she is worried she might miss something. Just like Mommy everyone says :)
* Loves to watch T.V. and be outside, she could do either for hours. She will not eat most times unless she is able to watch T.V. at the same time (were in trouble I know).
* Grabbing and chewing her toys, and blowing spit bubbles all over all of the time.
* Talking, Giggling, and Smiling all of the time. I tell her she is a ham because when anyone tells her she is cute, beautiful etc. she just smiles and flirts.
* She is very smart and has figured out how to let Mommy put her in our bed to snuggle, she loves to snuggle.
* Loves to bath and swim, she is such a water baby.
Thanks for a wonderful 3 months baby girl you are our life and Mommy and Daddy love you so very much! We can't wait for each new chapter in your life and to watch you grow.
From day one I have been telling my Mom "this is my favorite stage" but I find I keep saying that with each new thing she learns. I miss my newborn but I love where she is now and her personality shining through. Being Paislee's mom is truley the best part of my life!
She is getting cuter and cuter everyday! Love your pictures and updates on miss Paislee! She's adorable!
LOVE those thighs!! She is such a doll! ps. i saw you lost your contacts in your phone, my # is 391-4194
What a doll! These pictures are adorable. I love those chunky thighs... :) I can relate to many of the things you wrote. Being a parent is the best isn't it?
I love her Kaylee! She is such a sweetheart, and I need to see her...Saylor won't stop asking about Paislee ;) So let's get together! Love ya!
Kaylee! She is so so sooo beautiful! I smiled the whole time reading your post! It's so true! Every stage is amazing, and you get to know their personality everyday! You are such a cute mommy! And I LOVE her crib bedding!
She is sooooo precious! And you are the cutest mom ever!!!
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